BusinessWeek Online Hot Growth Stocks of 2006
In a previous blog entry, I mentioned the BusinessWeek Online Hot Growth Stocks of 2006 report, from the June 5, 2006 issue. It's a detailed report of 100 growth stock picks. I thought it'd be good to review this list to see how the hot growth stocks have done over the past three months, through the rough summer market.
Here's the Yahoo summary and the technical charts (long load time). Most of these growth stocks have ended up in down or sideways trends since early June. When I eyeballed the charts, only 16 out of 100 stood out as having a "hot growth" uptrend for the 3-month period starting in June:
- NILE +13%
- PSPT +15%
- CTSH +11%
- HITT +21%
- WIRE +13%
- ANST +14%
- QSII +25%
- LOJN +17%
- BOOM +15%
- VCLK +16%
- VTIV +14%
- DRIV +22%
- TRMB +14%
- HLX +18%
- MCRS +14%
- LMS +18%
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